Daily People
DailyPeople – January |
Tim Gill
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DailyPeople – Febuary |
Tim Gill
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“The Unclean” Let’s admit it. The world is a dirty place, and everyone gets dirty. You can’t live a single minute without picking up some kind of filth. It makes you wonder why God made the world this way in the first place. Could it be that human beings need to be reminded of their need to be cleansed? It’s possible. Just read today’s passages and you get the impression that cleanliness matters to God so much that He incorporated specific laws to address filth. Maybe cleanliness IS next to godliness! By the way, these laws were unique to Israel. No other culture observed these cleansing practices; and they protected the Jews from all kinds of disease for generations. Now, Old Testament passages have a New Testament message. What these passages tell you is that God wants you clean. He doesn’t just want you clean on the outside, He wants you clean on the inside too. That’s what the cross was all about. Amen?!
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(Deuteronomy 5:17, 19; Exodus 21:12-25; Numbers 35:9-32;
Exodus 22:1-4; Deuteronomy 19:1-14, 24:7, 22:25-29, 25:11-12)
“The Innocent Offender” What do you do when you’ve made an honest mistake? You didn’t do it on purpose; it was an accident. But whether it’s unintentional or not, the damage has been done. What do you do? You need a place of refuge—a safe haven where you can go and find mercy and justice. This was the purpose for the Cities of Refuge. These cities were scattered throughout Israel to provide a place for those who committed a crime accidentally. Today, you have a place to go when you’ve blown it. It’s not a city, it’s a savior! It’s Jesus! He understands when you do something bad without thinking. He understands the difference between premeditated and accidental. His church provides grace and mercy to those who blow it. Do you need a place of refuge? In light of what Christ has done for you, will you, in turn, be a place of refuge for other sinners?
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DailyPeople – March |
Tim Gill
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“The Pure” Whew! What a long list of verses. If you take the time to read these, you can’t help but notice that God deeply cares about your sexual purity. He wants you to respect and honor the sanctity of marriage. He wants His people to be faithful to their spouses. How about you? What is your stand on sexual purity? How close do you get to ‘The Line’? Today, make a vow of purity to God. Decide to avoid sexual impurity… and honor God with your body.
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4. (Leviticus 11:46-47; Deuteronomy 14:3-5; Leviticus 11:4-23; Leviticus 11:41-45; Leviticus 11:24-38; Leviticus 20:25-26; Leviticus 11:39-40; Deuteronomy 14:21a; Leviticus 17:15-16; Exodus 22:31; Leviticus 17:10-14; Leviticus 7:22-25; Exodus 23:19) “The Holy” It is clear that God set apart the nation of Israel. His chosen people are called to a special purpose. His selection involves a distinctive life of holiness. Now, living a holy life is not so much about living flawlessly, but about living faithfully. Holiness involves every aspect of your life. You can’t live the holy life God wants while keeping His sovereignty out of other areas of your life. Holiness must involve all of your desires and habits. That is why God is giving dietary instructions to His people. Everything they say and everything they do matters to Him. God calls you to live a holy life too. He wants your holiness to involve everything you say and do. He cares about what you put in your body because it is His temple. Today, let the words you say and the things you do display God’s holiness.
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Generosity is the hallmark of God’s people. It’s the generous people in this world who make it a better place. Your approach to the poor matters deeply to God. When you pay it forward, you lift up the spirits of people, you honor your Lord, and make it possible for Him to powerfully work. This all comes from a deep sense of gratitude for the generosity of God. Today, notice the less fortunate around you. Take a moment to recall your own poverty. Be grateful for what God has given you… and pay it forward.
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God makes it very clear. Obey Him, and you will be blessed. Disobey, and face terrible consequences. Do you think this is true today? Of course it is! When you compare the outcome between those who revere God and those who don’t, it is obvious. For, God does not look to see how religious you are. What really counts is whether or not you love Him and will trust Him. Israel had always been religious, but they weren’t always faithful. This led to their eventual downfall. How about you? Are you merely religious, or are you more reliant when it comes to God? Would God say you have a close relationship with Him? Today, take a close look at your commitment to God. Make sure you are devoted to Him. Trust Him… and be truly blessed.
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9. (Deuteronomy 32:48-34:12) “Moses” It has to be a bittersweet moment for Moses. He has spent most of his life leading Israel. First, it is out of the bondage in Egypt. Then, it is out of the pride in Israel as they wander through the wilderness. Finally, he has led a new generation to the borders of Canaan. But Moses can only look from a distance. Why? Why can’t Moses go in with everyone else? He blew it! He messed up at the waters of Meribah Kadesh in the desert of Zin. That’s the bitter part… But there is something sweet happening to Moses. God is still talking to him. God still loves Moses. God is still working with and through Moses. God shows Moses the Promised Land! And He takes him to HEAVEN! Have you blown it? If you have, you need to take it seriously. You must own it! You MUST learn from your mistakes!!! But there’s something else you should know. God is not through with you; He still loves you very much. Forgiveness is His specialty. He still uses ‘epic failures’ for great things. So get back up; brush the dirt off yourself; admit your sins to God… and start again! For, God still wants to use you in a mighty way!
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He has been at the side of Moses since he was a boy… learning how to be a man of God. The time has come for Joshua to step into some pretty big shoes as he replaces Moses. How does he do it? How does he get ready when the time comes to lead? He simply trusts God like he was always taught. You are much like Joshua. There will be a time when it’ll be your turn to lead. It could be your very own family; on your shift; in your neighborhood; or a role in your church. Will you be ready when it’s your turn? Stop wasting valuable time!!! Today, renew your commitment to learn and grow. Take advantage of the mentors God has placed in your life. Learn all you can while you still have time… so you will be ready when it’s your turn to lead.
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Five Kings… Five rulers join forces to defeat God’s people. But Joshua calls on the power of God, and something amazing happens. The sun’s momentum slowly dissipates until it stops in its tracks! Then God gives Joshua the power to defeat them all. Amazing, isn’t it? There are powerful ‘Kings’ joining forces to defeat you right now. These Kings can come in the form of pride… greed… lust… jealousy… or bitterness. They seek to dominate and destroy you. But if you will call on The Lord, He will work powerfully and help you defeat them! Today, turn the tide of the battles within you by relying and calling on your Lord. For, He will give you the victory!
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DailyPeople – April |
Tim Gill
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Things are not going very well for David. As he flees Saul, David finds himself in the countries that are hostile toward God. He is feeling powerless and alone. But David does something powerful. He cries out to God. God hears David’s prayers, and protects him from those who seek to destroy him. Whatever you are going through, be encouraged by the fact that God is with you. He has never left you. He’s protecting you right now!! So try to relax. Today, be grateful for all the things God is doing. Call out to God and talk with Him. Trust God to work out everything (including your trials) for His good.
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it was just an accident. But Uzzah tries to steady the cart that is transporting the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem… and dies!! Why? Regardless of the motive, Uzzah disregards God’s warning and touches the Ark of the Covenant. This may sound petty, but this is a big no no! A lack of respect for God can get you into some serious trouble. Today, learn from Uzzah’s disaster. Respect and accept what God is saying to you.
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“Eleazar, Abishai, Shammuh” They fought beside thirty warriors, and were known as The Mighty Three. These brave and valiant men loved David deeply. They supplied support, and helped David have many victories. Do you have some mighty men around you? Do you have a network of faithful Christians who help you to be victorious? Can you name the ‘mighty’ people God supplies in your life? Look, you need strong Christian people at your side! You must make the effort to cultivate good relationships with people who have stronger faith. When you do, you are becoming stronger and more difficult to defeat. Today, appreciate the good and faithful friendships God supplies. Praise God for the mighty people at your side. Let them help you to gain many victories.
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16. (2 Samuel 21:1-14) “Rizpah” There is a drought across the Promised Land. God is unhappy with the way Saul has treated the Gibeonites. Without consulting God, David hands over 7 of Saul’s grandsons to relieve the pain and bitterness of the Gibeonites toward the house of Saul. The Gibeonites waste no time, and execute the 7 immediately. It’s another huge blunder for David. As the bodies of two of them begin to decay while exposed in public humiliation, Rizpah, their mother, guards over them. Imagine her chasing away vultures and jackals for six months! Why does she do this? She does it out of a deep love for her boys. Rizpah is an inspiring example of a mother’s love and devotion to her children. Rizpah also illustrates God’s great love for you. For, He loves you so much that He will never leave your side. He will chase off any who try to devour you. Today, cherish the kind of love you have from God. Let His love fill your heart with gratitude and praise.
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“The Shepherd” Carefully read these Psalms again. Of all the things God is called by David, he often uses the term ‘Shepherd’. Why? It’s because the term ‘Shepherd’ describes The Lord the best. The shepherd represents great care and protection. It’s the shepherd that is constantly taking care of his flock. He is willing to risk his life for his sheep. A shepherd leads and feeds; guides and provides; protects and directs. Your Lord demonstrates all of these qualities for you every day! It’s no wonder that, when he found himself facing trouble, David would call out to his shepherd… and you should too. Today, if you are facing trouble, call out to your shepherd, and He will come running to the rescue. Call out to God, and experience His love and power to make you safe.
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They love to hurt you. They enjoy watching you squirm and suffer. They spread lies about you too. They long for your demise. The world is filled with mean people. David is facing an onslaught of attacks from mean people. What do you do? Do you fight back? Do you fight fire with fire? Is it okay to be bitter? The answer may not excite you: You trust The Lord with it! You surrender your desire to retaliate or run, and you stand firm with your God. As you read David’s tirade, you will notice something interesting. David doesn’t take matters into his own hands. Yes, he complains to God, but he doesn’t grab his sword and rush out the door to settle the score. No… He lets God settle the score. He calls on God to deal with the mean people in his life. He chooses to treat others like God treats him—with mercy. This takes a lot of spiritual guts! But when you choose to respond with kindness, instead of reacting in anger, you are being just like Jesus. While mean people put Him on a cross, He did not retaliate or make any threats. He entrusted what mean people were doing to Him, to His Father. Do you have the spiritual guts to respond like Jesus? When mean people are hurting you, surrender your anger and bitterness to God. Who knows? The mean people in your life may turn to God!!
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What gives you resilience? What helps you persevere? David is facing more and more criticism and bashing. People are throwing David under the bus. Does it hurt? Why, of course it does!! These guys are pros!! They know exactly how to discourage him. They know all the tricks to undermining his confidence and joy. But David does something wise. He does something empowering. David calls out to his Rock. When you pray, you invoke the power of God in your situation. When you pray to your Rock, God will give you quiet confidence and incredible hope. Today, if you are under attack, call out to your Rock… and He will get you through your toughest time.
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“The Wicked” Make sure you read these Psalms this morning!! They describe the traits and fate of the wicked. The wicked don’t call on God… In fact they don’t respect God at all. They ignore the needs of the misfortunate. The wicked slander and deride others. They bend the rules in order to get ahead. But God wants you to understand that the wicked are as frail as grass. They may appear to be flourishing, but soon the wicked wither and die. How about you? Do you share any of the traits of the wicked? Today, remember God’s warning to the wicked. Pursue your God with humility. Crave His word… and be blessed!
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DailyPeople – May |
Tim Gill
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The Lord is great! Can you think of anything or anyone that compares to God? There is no one who forgives you completely and thoroughly like God. God never treats you like you deserve to be treated. He deeply loves you. He doesn’t hide His thoughts or His will from you. God controls everything; from the rain that falls from the sky to each breath you take. Kind of amazing, huh? God is so powerful He can shake the earth. Today, read these Psalms with these thoughts in mind. Today, realize you serve an incredible God who loves you with all His heart.
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3. (Psalm 119) “Righteous God” Everything about your God is…’RIGHT’. This means everything God says to you is true. So, every word in the Bible is true too. Everything God does is legit. He will never make a mistake. He will never lie or mislead you. His motives are absolutely pure. So, every promise God gives, you can fully trust. Need direction? You can be sure that the counsel God offers is filled with greater wisdom than all the combined wisdom people have on earth. God knows what He is talking about. Even His love for you is perfect and filled with His goodness. You can’t go wrong when you trust God! Today, as you read the longest Psalm, have complete confidence in everything God says, and be blessed by God’s righteousness.
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5. (Psalms 139, 145, 148, 150) “The One Who Is Praiseworthy“
How much are you praising your God? How much praise does He hear coming from you? Take a few minutes and count all the blessings of God. For example: You are never alone! For He is everywhere! He knows everything about you and still loves you. He’s planned your life for you too. It’s a good life! He provides so much. Not only food and shelter, but friendships, forgiveness, and peace. God IS worthy of your praise. So… have you thought of anything you could praise God for today?
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7. (Psalms 42) “The Mighty One” Are you unsettled? Are you feeling discouraged? Are you going through a tough time? Put your hope in God! Remember, the Mighty One watched over His people, and He is watching over you! God will not abandon you or forsake you. He doesn’t promise to insulate you from suffering, but He promises to protect you from destruction. So call out to him! Talk to Him about everything that is bothering you today. He’ll listen. He’ll answer too. Today, praise The Mighty One!
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“The Queen Of Sheba” She travels hundreds of miles to meet King Solomon. She has to see for herself if it is true—Is Solomon as wise as people claim? Does he get his great insight from God? She listens intently as he speaks of everyday topics. He weaves into his conversation the influence of his God. She discovers that the rumors are true. In fact, Solomon is wiser than people say. She can see that God has blessed Solomon abundantly too. She leaves his palace amazed at The Lord. What is your reputation? What do people hear and see from your life? Do your family and friends see The Lord in your words and actions? Will they see that God is the true source of your morals, conduct, and blessings? When they walk away from you, who will they be amazed by? Today, you have a great opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. Seize these moments with words and actions that reflect Jesus Christ.
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Who do you know who’s generous? Who do you admire for their generosity? What does a generous person look like? Would you say you are a generous person? Are you consistent with your giving, or is it sporadic? God blesses generosity. He blesses generous people with contentment and a cheerful heart. He blesses generous people with a healthy approach to wealth too. For, you cannot outgive God. Generous people are not preoccupied with making a quick buck. They are focused on how to use what God has given them to help others. Occasionally, they go above and beyond, and will sacrifice. This is the antidote to materialism. For they know, with such sacrifices, they are investing for their eternity. You don’t have to have a lot to be greedy. You don’t have to have a lot to be generous either. Generosity is a matter of the heart. Today, decide that you will be a generous person with what you have now. When you do, you will set into place great habits that will carry over into times when you will have more. May God help you experience that it’s more blessed to give than to receive.
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Solomon makes an observation about life: No matter how good you are, no matter how bad you are, you’re going to die! This is what you have in common with everyone else on earth. Like everyone else on earth, you were created by God; and someday you will return to your creator. Like everyone else, you will live on this earth only one time. Like everyone else on earth, you have in front of you a series of choices. You can either make foolish choices… or wise choices. Solomon is not saying it is a waste of time to be wise. He is only reminding you that you have the same fate as a fool—and that is death! He wants you to see that your choices matter. He wants you to make your life count. So what will you do today? What kinds of choices will you make today? Every one of them matters. Today, look to your creator. Ask God to help you make the kinds of choices that will make your life count.
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After thousands of years, people still admire and respect those who are industrious and put in long hours of hard work. This kind of dedication is regarded by most as being responsible and wise. But Solomon makes a general observation about toil. He puts it this way: You can labor too much to enjoy your life. Do you know anyone like this? They work one or two jobs at a time… They dedicate so much toil to provide for their family, they seldom get to simply enjoy their family. Their overtime leads to fatigue and overload. Everything is stretched to the limit. Family life breaks down. Hmmm… Is it worth it? What’s so great about having more wealth, if you are too worn out to enjoy it? Solomon says living like this is a meaningless and vicious cycle that will get you nowhere. It’s important that you learn to regulate the labor in your life. Today, ask God to give you the wisdom to balance your labor and your life. Do a little research and see what the Bible says about labor and leisure.
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Youth… it’s a great time to be alive. A lot of important choices are made when you’re young. The most important choice is: ‘What will you do with your creator?’ For, this choice will make a huge impact on the rest of your life here on earth and in eternity. So… where do you stand with God? With the time you have left on this earth, what will you do to honor His name? Today, make a decision to always remember your creator as you age. Make God your closest relationship… for the rest of your life.
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DailyPeople – June |
Tim Gill
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9. (Obadiah 1-21) “Edomites” They are the arch rivals of Israel. The Edomites were the descendants of Esau, Jacob’s twin brother. This explains why, for generations, Edom’s bitter hatred for Israel, (Jacob’s descendants), would last until the Edomites and the Israelites are utterly destroyed by Rome in 70AD. Yet in the book of Obadiah, God gives a stern warning about gloating over your brother’s hardships. Read what God says: 12“You should not gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune, nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor boast so much in the day of their trouble. 13You should not march through the gates of my people in the day of their disaster, nor gloat over them in their calamity in the day of their disaster, nor seize their wealth in the day of their disaster. 14You should not wait at the crossroads to cut down their fugitives, nor hand over their survivors in the day of their trouble. 15The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.”
Do you ever gloat over the misfortune/hardship of others? Do you enjoy hearing about people getting what you believe they deserve? This is a cruel way to live. God reminds us, through Obadiah, that the day of the Lord is near for all nations. He’s talking about all people who lived then, (during the tumultuous times of King Jehoram), and all who live now. This includes you! When you hear of misfortune happening to others, including your enemies, be humble and grateful that God has spared you of a similar misery. Be grateful for the goodness of God… because God’s goodness is the only thing that is keeping you from getting what you deserve.
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16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
You may find this hard to believe, but if God could open your eyes, you would see an awesome army surrounding you! For those who are with you are from the throne of God. They have been there since you made your commitment to God. They are more powerful than the problem you are now facing. They will never retreat!! So press on! Keep trusting the Lord of hosts. For, God will surely protect you… and ultimately give you victory!!
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What a stubborn guy! Why is Jonah fighting what God wants him to do? Jonah stands as a classic example of how pride and rebellion lead to disaster. For, the more Jonah resisted God, the worse his life got. Down and down he goes… down to Joppa… down into the cabin of the boat… down into the sea… down the throat of a great fish… down to the ‘root of the mountains’. But God gives Jonah another chance. Through these consequences, God gives Jonah an opportunity to turn to Him. When Jonah calls out to God, He raises him back up once again. How is life going for you? Are you sinking? Do you feel like you’ve been losing ground? Decide you are no longer going to resist your Lord. Trust Him! Turn to God, and watch Him turn things around.
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DailyPeople – July |
Tim Gill
Based on Lot’s (Abraham’s nephew) incest with his daughters, the Moabites were blood kin to Israel (Gen 19). But even blood kin could not avoid or deter the judgement of God. Moab would lead Israel into idol worship, and so become a bitter enemy of God’s people. But Isaiah has compassion on these people. His heart seems to break as he contemplates the horrible consequences of Moab’s disobedience. Does it humble and break your heart when you hear of the hardships of those who are prideful and disobedient to God? Or does it bring you pleasure to see people get what they deserve? God does not delight in punishing people. He mourns when the pagan perishes. Today, let the display of God’s judgment on the ungodly serve as a warning… and may it break your heart.
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Fear is a powerful emotion. Facing danger will strongly challenge your faith in God’s power. This is what’s happening to one of the worst kings in the history of Judah. Ahaz is being bullied by Israel and Damascus to join forces against Assyria; but Ahaz is having none of it. To get these guys off his back, Ahaz strikes a deal with, of all people, Tiglath-Pileser (King of Assyria) to help him. What a blunder! Judah goes from the frying pan into the fire. Now, under pressure from Assyria, Ahaz starts building pagan altars all over Jerusalem. He takes the bronze altar (The true altar of God) for himself, but it is useless now. For, he has surrendered his relationship with God for another. What do you do when you feel pressured to compromise your faith in God? So, what’s wrong with bending the rules a little in order to avoid ridicule or rejection, you might ask? Plenty! Once you start making deals, you will continue until you have no convictions at all. The other problem is obvious—God doesn’t work that way. He expects to be first. Ahaz may have dodged a bullet for now, but only for a little while. His family – his nation – would eventually fall. Today, take a good look at your faith. Are you compromising your faith in God to save your skin? What will happen to your family and friends if you cave in? Whatever you are facing, continue to trust in the power of your God.
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These are dark times for Judah. After Hezekiah dies, his son Manasseh takes the throne. He is only 12 years old. For the next 55 years, Manasseh reintroduces Baal and Asherah worship to the people. He goes so far as to build a couple of altars to these so-called “gods” in the temple courts, and eventually sacrifices his own son! God is furious!! God would wipe Jerusalem off the map like one who wipes off a dirty dish. Each generation must decide what they are going to do with God. What are you doing with God? How important is the Kingdom of God to you? Will the church be around after you die? Manasseh serves as a warning to each generation. Today, God has given you the opportunity and responsibility to follow His will. Will you follow God today? Choose wisely!! For, the future of God’s kingdom rests on your decision.
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If people caught a glimpse of him, their eyes usually darted away. He was used to rejection, and knew the pain of ridicule first hand. Who is this servant of God Isaiah is talking about? It’s Jesus. And when Jesus was crucified, most people thought He deserved it; but, of course, He didn’t. Jesus was innocent and guilty at the same time! Innocent of any personal wrongdoing, yet guilty of our sins! That’s why He died. And praise God He died! For, by His wounds, your relationship with God is healed. Today, praise God for His son who would embrace death to bring you eternal life.(Click To Share Your Thoughts With Me!)
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He stands strong with sword in hand. He’s intimidating to his foes. He swiftly rips through the opposition with skill. When the battle is over, He is still standing. His sword is raised in victory. There are no survivors! Why does He fight? He fights for justice. But most of all, He fights for you! For this mighty warrior is on your side. Whew!! Thank God!! Who is this mighty warrior? This is Jesus (Isa. 9:6). Jesus came to a hostile world and battled against evil! He was wounded and killed to give you freedom. He laid down His life to save yours. You stand in victory today because of this brave soldier. Today, think about the freedom you experience because of Jesus. Appreciate His courage by living your life to please Him.
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DailyPeople – August |
Tim Gill
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Years of neglect have not been kind to God’s house. It’s been a long time since the Temple has been used properly. Imagine a thick cloud of dust tumbling out of the doors and windows of the Temple as men carry out trash and debris. The noise of hammers and saws echo through the halls as restoration work is in full progress. All of a sudden, something catches a priest’s eye. It’s an old scroll. With great curiosity, he starts reading the ancient words… He is frightened. No… He is terrified!! It’s the Word Of God! He calls for his assistant. “You must take this to the King”, he urges. King Josiah (He’s only 18 yrs. old) starts reading the scroll, and his face turns white!! In his anguish, he rips his clothing and begins to call out to God. He confesses his negligence. He pleads with God to forgive His people for their sin. Josiah then orders the largest sacrifice since Samuel was alive. God hears his prayer and postpones His punishment until Josiah dies. Hmmm… What is your typical response when you read something convicting in God’s word? Does it move you? Does it crush you? Does God’s word convict you anymore? Does it cause you to cry out to God? Today, pray that you will respond to God’s word seriously and with deeper conviction.
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is coming to help you. Today, listen carefully for His voice, and be encouraged by His spirit to remain faithful.
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She is a prostitute, and she will sleep with anyone who will have her. This is the image God has of His beloved, Judah. Like her northern counterpart, (Israel), Judah has been reduced to nothing more than a people who are crawling after alliances with any nation that will have her. This is disastrous for Judah. For, God could have been all the ‘superpower’ they needed to make it, but Judah would not have anything to do with God. The lesson here is plain: There is no one or no thing that can compare to Almighty God. There is no one or no thing on this earth that can satisfy the soul as much as the one who made you. So, are you finding yourself searching for significance in ‘things’? Be prepared to be disappointed. Today, find meaning in your relationship with Christ. Look to God to satisfy your deep desires. For, God knows you best, and knows what you really need.
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Things are coming to an end in Judah. Nebuchadnezzar stands at the door and is about to break through the walls of Jerusalem. He will burn the city to the ground. The Temple will be a pile of rubble. Everyone will be taken far away. Only a handful of weak and helpless people will be left behind to scrounge around to survive. But in the middle of all the mayhem, God makes a promise to His people. One day He will bring the people back to the Promised Land. One day, God will restore Israel, and the world will know that the Lord is God. The same is true for you. God’s promise of restoration is for you too. God is still bringing people out of captivity. He is interested in restoring your life too. He wants things to be good again. He wants to restore what sin has destroyed. He wants to walk close to you once again. This is what the cross accomplished. Jesus makes it possible for your relationship with God to be restored. Praise God for His amazing grace! He cannot stay angry with you. He loves you enough to provide a way to restore what you lost. He is able to start restoring when you start to surrender. Today, surrender to your God… and watch with great anticipation how God restores the things you’ve lost!
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Jeremiah is falling into a deep sleep. The Lord speaks to him in a dream. Jeremiah sees a ghost town; a subtle wind blows trash and debris along its sidewalks. There is no music… no buzz in the air from traffic and crowds. It’s silent… It’s very quiet… His home town is so desolate that there are no animals wandering the streets. But God says to Jeremiah that, one day, the people will return. The sights and sounds of a bustling city will once again return to Jerusalem; for, God has brought home His people. God’s Kingdom will flourish again!! Jeremiah suddenly awakens breathless! He smiles… It’s been a good sleep! If you are feeling like you have lost a lot lately, take heart! Don’t be discouraged! It’s only a season. This, too, will pass. All sunshine will make a desert. Sometimes you need a storm to bring the rain you need to grow. You just focus on pleasing God, and He will take care of the rest. Keep trusting God, and He will restore your life! Keep walking with the Lord, and eventually you will receive a special blessing. Then you, too, can wake up and say, “It was a good sleep.”
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“The Lord Our Righteous Savior“
Jeremiah speaks of a day that is coming… a day when God will raise up a King to deliver His people. This King will bring something exciting. He will bring a new covenant. Of course he’s talking about Jesus. For, the King of Kings would draw all kinds of people from all kinds of places. He also would set free those held captive by their sin. And when The Lord Your Savior was lifted up, He brought everyone something no one could offer—redemption! Now, anyone can come to God. Anyone can be saved!! Like the laws of nature, what God has done will never change. His love for you never changes. His promises are as sure as the sunrise. Today, you experience this new covenant. Today, The Lord, YOUR Righteous Savior gives you a new life… a fresh start… a second chance. Today, respond to your Savior with gratitude and a deep commitment to make sure His sacrifice on the cross is not in vain.
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After a series of condemnations against Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Philistia, God sets His sights on Egypt. Why? Egypt had come to Judah’s aid. As Nebuchadnezzar laid siege on Jerusalem, Pharaoh Hophra would try to blindside Nebuchadnezzar. This attempt turned out to be a dismal failure. Think about it… The nation that held God’s people hostage in slavery, is now summoned for help. As Judah leaned on their ally, mighty Egypt would be as helpful as a broken stick! There are a couple of lessons here: #1- When you feel God is coming down on you, surrender… That’s all Judah should have done to avoid God’s discipline. This is all you need to do to regain God’s favor. #2- Rely on God instead of ungodly people. Israel made a huge mistake asking Egypt for help. All they had to do was call out to God, and they would have had all they help they needed. When you are in trouble, call out to God!
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DailyPeople – September |
Tim Gill
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You may save someone from the costly effects of sin and a lifetime of heartache.
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No matter what you do for the Lord, be prepared for some opposition! There’s always someone who will try to throw a wrench in the works. That’s what happened to Ezra. As soon as the people began to rebuild the temple, the critics came out of the woodwork. They gave God’s people trouble all through the reign of King Cyrus too. What would you like to do for the Lord? Who can you expect to oppose you? Will you be ready? Don’t sweat it!! You might as well expect some opposition. For, you are making the Devil nervous!! Today, meet any opposition with the power of God. Call on God to help… and finish the job!!
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24. (Daniel 10:1-12:13) “The Guardians From Heaven” Daniel is visited by a celestial being—an angel. At first, Daniel is terrified. But after some help, he is able to stand on his feet. Daniel learns that the future of God’s people will be pretty bumpy but ultimately secure. What is the function of angels? James Burton Coffman sheds light on the activity of angels:
The function of angels includes the following:
(1) They carry away the souls of the departed in death (Luke 16:22).
(2) They exercise diligence to watch over little children (Matt 18:11).
(3) All of the angels are engaged in the service of those who shall inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14).
(4) They aid, providentially, in bringing sinners in contact with the gospel (Acts 8:26).
(5) They execute the sentence of God in the destruction of sinners whose importance justifies their immediate removal from the earth (Acts 12:23).
(6) One of the mightiest angels, The Angel of Revelation 10, has charge of maintaining “the little book”, (The Bible?), “until time shall be no more”.
(7) On special occasion, when God’s great prophets and preachers of the Word needed special encouragement, an angel of God stood by to inform, to prophesy, and to encourage (Acts 27:23).
This would appear to have been a special thing on behalf of the apostles. Here in the book of Daniel, however, there is definitely another function of the blessed angels—that of influencing human affairs through human governments for the achievement of God’s purposes among men. Hopefully, you are getting the idea that angels are not the imagination of man, but are real, and have a viable function in God’s Kingdom and in your life. There is no reason to believe that God doesn’t use His angels today. So let The Guardians From Heaven fill you with confidence when afraid and inspiration to fulfill God’s purpose in you.
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The rebuilding of Jerusalem is met with opposition… Go figure! Whenever you are trying to restore or rebuild what God wants, you can expect someone to throw a wet blanket on the project. Satan will use anything and anyone to discourage you and impede your efforts. Here in Ezra, the work of Bishlam, Mithredath, and Tabeel STOPS THE WORK! The rebuilding project is dormant for nearly 25 years. You can imagine how frustrating this must have been for Ezra and Nehemiah. But God will get the ball rolling again, and the City of God will be up and running once again. What or who is Satan using to discourage you from working to build up God’s Kingdom? Is he using criticism? Is he capitalizing on your fears? Is he using a close friend? Whatever or whoever is getting in your way, remember to keep trusting God… and get to work!!! God eventually worked out the bugs in Ezra’s plans, and He will work them out for you… as long as you remain faithful, and persevere!
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Haggai doesn’t give his preference or opinion as he speaks to the people. His motives are pure. He makes it clear that what he is speaking to the people is a message directly from God. He goes to the trouble of saying this 26 times in only 2 chapters!! This must be very important to communicate. What is at the core of what you are saying and doing? Is it a personal preference? Could it be jaded by pride and selfishness? What is the real motive behind your words and actions? Only you can answer this question. You would be astonished at how many folks appear to be saying godly words, and doing godly things – out of anger, fear, pride, or selfishness – only to push their particular preference. Today, look deeply at the motives behind what you are saying and doing for The Lord. Make sure what you say and do is what God would want.
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Whether the redeemed are in darkness or despair, when they call out to their God, the Lord delivers them. These Psalms encourage the redeemed to praise their God and tell the story of how He delivered them from all kinds of trouble. What kind of trouble are you facing today? Have you called out to God for help? Who needs some hope? Who needs to know that God can help them in their time of need? Do others know ‘your story’? Do they know about the moments God delivered you from trouble? You are evidence of The Lord’s power. What a great way to bring glory to God and give others hope. Today, share a time The Lord helped you. Today, look for an opportunity to give your God the credit.
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DailyPeople – October |
Tim Gill
After 70 years of captivity, the people of God are returning to Israel, and the King of Persia is financing it! Wow!! So it’s an understatement for the psalmist to compare the euphoric atmosphere, among those returning, to dreaming. But this is what it was like. For, dreaming is an exciting thing to do! It’s awesome to look to the future with such positive anticipation. Good days were definitely ahead for Israel. The sights and sounds of worship were returning to Jerusalem! The people were coming back to God; and He was blessing them! They could live their lives with joy. This is true for every believer today. If you are a believer, get excited! For, God has brought you out of your captivity, and restores the life He created you to live. He blesses you when you turn to Him. He rewards your obedience with a secure and peaceful future. It’s like a wonderful dream! But in your case, it’s no dream. It’s reality!! So look ahead with great excitement. For, when you trust the Lord, His promises are surely yours!!
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Mark 1:21-2:12) “Simon” He makes his living catching fish with his brother. But Simon’s life is about to drastically change. For The Master is going to interrupt Simon’s routine with a greater purpose than catching a few fish. Instead of being caught up in making a living, Simon will dedicate his life to making a difference. Suddenly, his nets fall to the ground; he leaves them behind and follows his Lord. From this moment on, Simon will fish for men. You are on this earth for more than making and spending some money. God created you for more than satisfying your personal indulgences. Like Simon, you are here for a greater purpose than making a living. God put you here to make a difference. Today, Jesus calls to you, “Come follow me.” Will you let go of your nets, and take hold of your mission? Will you start fishing for men?
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John 5:1-47) “Levi
” He is named after the priestly tribe of Israel, but he is no saint! Tax collectors were, by and large, crooked. For, many of them would line their pockets by overcharging the people. Men like Levi were viewed as extensions of a corrupt governing system; that’s why the people despised tax collectors. But Jesus sees something else in Levi. He sees a disciple. So, when He calls Levi to follow Him, Levi leaves everything behind and follows Jesus. And when Levi has Jesus in his home, the critics shake their heads in disgust. “What are you doing?” they ask. “What am I doing?” The Lord replies. “I’m doing what my Father would do. I’m doing what I was sent to do. I’m loving people!” Aren’t you glad He did? The story of Levi represents how God feels about all the foul ups in the world. No matter how messed up you are, God loves you and wants you. You matter! He stretches his arms out on a cross and says, “I love you this much.” God treasures you, and He invites you to follow Him to experience a better life—a life of purpose. Today, let go of all the things that clutter your mind with worry and guilt. Today, think about Jesus and Levi, and appreciate God’s great love for you.
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What do you think of when you hear the word pure? Do you associate the word purity with things like water and food? Jesus makes a promise. He says the pure in heart will see God. What do you think having a pure heart is all about? Having a pure heart is about having pure motives. It’s about being a person of integrity. Pure in heart is not about being gullible; it’s about pursuing innocence. Pure in heart is about having godly character. It’s wanting to live upright when no one is looking. It’s having a deep desire to honor God and do what is right because it’s right. A pure heart is honest and keeps clear of corruption. It’s refusing to live a lie. A pure heart is open. A pure heart turns all the cards over. A pure heart carries a good reputation of decency. A pure heart doesn’t think about itself. Do you have a pure heart? Better yet, WILL you have a pure heart? Today, purify your heart. Cleanse your motives of selfishness and greed. Let your intentions today be about pleasing God and honoring His name.
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“The Sinful Woman” An awkward moment ensues as an uninvited guest crashes the dinner party. A woman stands weeping behind Jesus. She has a bad reputation in town. Her tears fall from her eyes onto the Master’s feet. She tries to wipe them off. Then she starts to kiss the Lord’s feet and pour expensive perfume on them. The fragrance fills the dining room. The host shakes his head in disgust and mutters to himself: “If he only knew what kind of woman she is, he wouldn’t let her do that to him.” But Jesus does know what kind of woman she is, and He forgives her sins! You can never be too bad for God to forgive you. No matter how sinful you are, God can wipe the slate clean… He wants to! Praise God!! How will you respond to the amazing grace of God? Today, let God’s forgiveness humble you in gratitude. Be determined to honor your God for His great love for you.
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DailyPeople – November |
Tim Gill
“A Ghost” The Disciples have had a long and exciting day. They get into a boat and start heading to Bethsaida. But the winds fight against them as they strain to row across the sea. Suddenly they see a figure. It looks like a ghost, and it’s coming their way. Yikes!! In fear, the disciples begin to panic and put everything they’ve got into the oars. Stroke! Stroke! But it’s no use; the wind is too strong. The ghost is gaining ground. It turns out, the terrible ghost is Jesus… They are relieved. Are there times when Jesus scares you? Are there times when you are frightened of what The Lord might want from you? Do His teachings ever intimidate you? Are you scared of what Jesus might do if you fully trusted Him with everything? There’s nothing to be scared of. He’s not your ghost; He’s your God. He loves you and wants what is best for you. Yes, trusting Him can be a little scary; but it’s when you trust Him the most, that He will bless you with the best. Think about it… Peter got to walk on water!! What a life-changing moment!! Today, face your fears of God with your faith in God. Don’t be afraid, just believe!!
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“The Canaanite Woman” She is in way over her head. So she begs Jesus to help her with her daughter. But this woman is a foreigner and is getting nowhere. Jesus initially refuses to help her. He feels He should be taking care of God’s people over her. In so many words, He refers to her as a dog! In desperation, she points out that even dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master’s table. Her humility impresses Jesus so much that He heals her daughter. What is this really about? It’s about God rewarding humility. It doesn’t matter if you are ‘in’ or ‘out’ as long as you are humble. For, God opposes the proud, but gives His grace to the humble. Humility is quick to admit any shortcomings or wrongs. Humility recognizes the supremacy of God over the powerlessness of self. Humility is being openhearted and vulnerable when facing problems. Are you humble? Do you accurately see yourself as you truly are? Today, humble yourself before God. Admit your inability and lack of power to control 99.99% of your life. The sooner you do, the more God can help you.
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At times, he could say the most amazing things; and, only minutes later, stick his foot in his mouth! But when Peter was asked who Jesus was, he got it right! “You are the Son Of God!” He answered. Who is Jesus to you? Is He a prophet? He’s more than a prophet! Is Jesus a good man? He’s much more than a good guy. Is He your Savior? Of course He is. But Jesus is more than someone who got you out of a jam. He is also Lord! He is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. He is God in the flesh! He actually conquered death! He has authority over everything and everyone. Only God can have this kind of power. So… Who will you say Jesus is today?
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1- No matter who you are, God notices you. Everyone else tries to ignore Zacchaeus. But Zacchaeus doesn’t escape the Lord’s notice. You are so significant to God that He sacrificed His own son for you.
2- No matter what you’ve done, God cares about you. Tax collectors had horrible reputations. They cheated people to line their pockets with cash. Yet Jesus would invite himself over to Zacchaeus’ house. You can have the worst reputation in town, and God will still love you; He will still want you.
3- No matter how sinful you’ve been, God can forgive you. Zacchaeus stands up and promises to make amends with anyone he may have wronged. Jesus gives him salvation. God can wipe your slate clean. He can help you start fresh. God will give you another chance. Today, let the life of Zacchaeus encourage you. Let Jesus’ treatment of this man reassure you how God feels about you, and lead you to change.
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“The Hardhearted” Once again, Jesus is looking over the city of Jerusalem. On this particular day, the skyline of the city is spectacular! As He looks at Jerusalem, He recalls the colorful history of this holy place. His eyes catch a glimpse of God’s Temple as it stands out like a diamond among the other structures. Then, tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He loses control of himself, and starts to wail. This is a hard cry from deep down in His soul. Why is Jesus crying so hard? Is He crying over His future? No… He’s crying over theirs. He knows the tragic fate that awaits the prideful people of Jerusalem. He doesn’t want to see it happen. He doesn’t want the people harmed. But the people refuse to listen to Him, and leave Him little choice. Because of their insistent stubbornness, the people are going to go through the ringer. In 70AD, a Roman army will level the city!! This is the ultimate fate of the stubborn. When you harden your heart, you leave God with little choice but to have to use something horrific to break it. This is not what God wants to do. In fact, it breaks God’s heart to have to do it. But because He loves you, He will do it. Hey!! Are you listening to Jesus?? Will your pride and stubbornness force God’s hand to act? Will God have to use His hammer to humble you? Today, recognize any stubbornness you have, and humble yourself before God. Rid yourself of pride before it’s too late.
“The Widow” Jesus and his disciples gather together across the street from the Temple. He wants them to see something. Today, people are giving to the temple treasury. A rich man walks up and places a large amount of money into the collection box. You can hear the coins clanging against the container as he dumps an avalanche of money into it. The disciples are impressed. Then a poor widow approaches. She slowly makes her way to the Temple treasury box. She pulls out of her pocket two small coins. She looks at them for a while. Then she drops them over the edge of the huge container. You can hear the two dime sized coins bounce off the sides of the treasury box like a couple of quarters landing in a basket at a toll booth. This time Jesus is impressed. Why? She gave all the money she had. She gave sacrificially! God is watching your giving. God is not interested in how much you give, but in how much you are willing to sacrifice. Today, revisit your approach to your giving. Decide today that you will give sacrificially.
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Have you ever been burglarized? It’s awful, isn’t it? There are few things worse than discovering that your belongings have been stolen. You feel so violated and foolish when a thief breaks into your car or house. It makes you afraid… and angry too. Why is a thief so successful? Well, the thief depends on the element of surprise. He is hoping you will forget to lock a door or turn on a light. He’s hoping to catch you asleep and unprepared. Jesus compares His return to the coming of a thief. He says that He will come when most will not expect it. But Jesus doesn’t want His return to blindside you. He wants you to be ready. He wants you to be prepared. Are you ready? What will Jesus find you doing when He returns? Will He find you prepared? Will He find you faithful? Will he meet you like a friend, or surprise you like a thief? That all depends on you. Today, be alert… be faithful… and be ready!
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1- A tough road is ahead of you, and you are going to need lots of help following the Lord.
2- Your relationship with other followers of God is as important as your relationship with God Himself.
3- The world learns what God’s love looks like by watching how you engage with other believers. Will you answer your Lord’s prayer? Will you be connected to other disciples? Today, begin to look for ways to be closely connected to other Christians. Don’t wait for someone else to connect with you; initiate it yourself. Get closer to other disciples!
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“A Servant Girl” He warms himself near a fire just a short distance from Jesus. He watches… He wonders what is going to happen next. All of a sudden, his concentration is broken by a question: “You are one of his disciples, aren’t you?” Fear grips him. “I am not!” Peter replies. But the voice presses the issue again. “Yes, you are one of his disciples. I saw you with him!” Peter’s eyes dart back and forth. “I’ve already told you, I don’t know him!” Who is intimidating Peter? Who is testing his faith? It’s not a Roman guard. It’s not a Jewish official. Who is it? It’s a little girl; a powerless servant girl. It’s surprising what a little peer pressure can reveal about your faith. It can come from anyone and anywhere. Who has been testing your faith lately? Today, expect your faith to be challenged. When it happens, be courageous, and trust the Lord. But in case you cave, get back up and stand strong!
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“Pilate” Pilate doesn’t know what to do with Jesus. He doesn’t see anything wrong with Jesus. He doesn’t want to condemn him. The people pressure Pilate to crucify Jesus, but he won’t do anything. He goes back and forth until he washes his hands of the matter, and basically kicks the can down the road. But Pilate doesn’t get off the hook that easily. His indecision leads to handing Jesus over to be crucified. What are you doing with Jesus? What will you do with Jesus? You can’t ride the fence! Your indecision will eventually lead to a choice. What choice should you make concerning Jesus? He demands a response. You must clearly choose one way or another. Today, rededicate your life to Jesus Christ; and make a clear choice to follow Him.
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“Rebels” Jesus hangs on a cross with two rebels. One rebel is on his right. The other rebel is on his left. But there are more than two rebels at Golgotha. Some of the rebels pass by and hurl insults at him. Others mock Him while disguised in their religious garb. There are rebels all around Jesus. And what is Jesus doing? He is saving the rebels around him. Hmmm… Things haven’t changed much, have they? Rebellion is still alive and well on the earth. People are still resisting authority. People are still complaining; protesting when they don’t get their way. People are still fighting. And when you stop and think about it, Jesus is still saving the ‘rebels’ around him. Aren’t you glad He still does? Don’t you have a rebellious streak in you? Will you admit there are times you resist the Master’s call? Do you ever find yourself fighting the will of God? Everyone does. That’s because everyone has a rebellious nature; everyone is a sinner. Yet, Jesus sees something other than rebellion in your heart. While others may have given up on you, (or will give up on you), He sees potential… He sees great promise… He sees in you what you could become if you were free from sin. So He is willing to die to set you free. You see, He’s still saving the rebels around him. Today, be grateful that Jesus was willing to resist His selfish desires to save a rebel like you.
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For, Jesus IS alive, and waits for you to come near.
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The kingdom grows from their alliance. The combination of strengths and weaknesses of Paul and Barnabas made them a good team. Together, they established new churches and strengthened existing churches. Together, they were able to sustain their faith when facing difficulty. It’s good to partner up with other disciples. You are stronger with other believers at your side. So….who are you partnering with? Who would you say is your Barnabas? Remember, two are better than one (Ecc. 4). Today, link up with another believer. Strive for deeper fellowship with other disciples. You will be stronger and more effective when you do.
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DailyPeople – December |
Tim Gill
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When things are at their worst, the people see your best! Everyone else seems to be in a panic; but the Apostle Paul experiences a hurricane, a shipwreck, and a snake bite without melting down. He is able to keep his cool. How is he able to do this? That’s easy. He believes God is going to take care of him. He places his future in God’s hands, so he doesn’t worry about the outcome. Paul believes that no matter what, the outcome will be good (Romans 8:28). When you can trust God with your future, you’re able to focus on your mission! Today, give your worries and cares to God. Do it right now! Live the rest of your day in peace, and focus on your mission. Let others see the best come out of you.
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Daily Questions
DailyQuestions – January |
Tim Gill
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4. (Genesis 10-11) “Family Ties”
From Noah to Abraham, everyone has a heritage; everyone has some history. Like a living chain, every generational ‘link’ passes-on their values to the next. DQ’s: Why do you think genealogies are listed in the Bible? For what purpose can a list of names serve you? What does this list of names help you to understand? What does this list motivate you to do? Who, from your past, encourages you to trust God? Whose names follow yours?
5. (Genesis 12-14) “Easy Street”
When Lot surveys where to settle down, he chooses the smooth, rich plains of Jordan. Little did he know, that he had made a costly mistake; for, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah would be his ‘sleazy’ neighbors. DQ’s: What do you think influenced Lot’s choice? What were the results? Have you ever made a decision based on comfort or convenience, only to have it backfire? Can you think of an example? What would a decision based on a commitment to God look like? What kinds of things should you consider before making major decisions?
6. (Genesis 15-17) “Shortcuts”
Why do Abraham and Sarah try to fulfill God’s promise ahead of schedule? Is Sarah’s idea to use Hagar to have a child within the will of God? When you stop and think about it, Abraham and Sarah expected God to bless what they were doing instead of simply doing what He blesses. And Abraham…? Well, he ‘painfully’ figures this out, doesn’t he? DQ’s: Is it hard for you to trust God’s timetable? Why? What does Abraham and Sarah’s shortcut to parenthood confirm? What do you think of God’s promise to Hagar? What can you do to ensure God will fulfill a promise to you? What is God trying to say to Abraham in 15:1? Why do you think God is saying this to him?
7. (Genesis 18-19) “Butting Heads”
Everybody is disagreeing with God’s messengers! Sarah thinks their message is silly. Abraham doubts it is possible. Lot doesn’t see any logic in it. The longer he argues, the longer it takes for God to work. And Lot’s wife? Well…her sentimentality and stubbornness ‘paralyzed’ her! DQ’s: Why do you think Sarah, Abraham, and Lot are arguing with God’s messengers? In what areas of your life do you tend to ‘butt heads’ with God? Your family? Your finances? Your priorities? Who do you identify with the most? Abraham? Sarah? Lot? Lot’s wife? Did Abraham change God’s mind? What does God’s reduction of the number of the righteous in Sodom say about Him?
8. (Genesis 20-21) “Tears”
A boy and his mom cry in the middle of a desert, and God hears them! DQ’s: Has Sarah mistreated Hagar and Ishmael? Why do you think God is paying attention to Hagar and Ishmael? God has plans for the ‘child of a slave’. If God has plans for Ishmael, do you believe He has plans for you? What do you think His plans could be?
9. (Genesis 22-23) “The Acid Test”
It’s probably the greatest test in scripture: Will I love God more than my family? It’s when Abraham raises his knife, he discovers that God DOES provide! DQ’s: Is it easy to place God above those you love? Who, in your family, competes with your love for God the most? How does putting God first bless your family? What do you risk when you make God first in your family? Does placing God above your family mean that you neglect those you love? What conflicts have you experienced because you put God above your family?
It’s time for Isaac to find a wife; so Abraham sends a servant back to his homeland to find him a bride. DQ’s: Why does Abraham insist that Isaac’s wife be from his own people? Compared to Samson (Judges 13-17), what can living ‘outside the lines’ do? What is an example of a godly boundary? How have you benefited from a godly boundary? Is there a godly boundary you need to set?
“Would You Like Some Cheese With Your Whine?”
There sure is a lot of whining and complaining going on in Israel. Moses is overwhelmed! Grumbling may get you what you want, but it never gets you what God wants! Maybe that’s why the Bible says, “Do everything without complaining or arguing (Phil 2:14).” DQ’s: How does complaining affect your life? When the people grumbled against Moses, who were they really grumbling against? God gave the complainers food and water. What do you think this says about God? How do you think God feels about complainers? Who (or what) have you been whining about? What does complaining verify about you?
The scene at Mount Sinai resembles a volcanic eruption! Fire…billows of smoke…thunder and lightning, all display God’s power and purpose. Israel will be His special people. They will be a Kingdom of Priests! Do you realize you too are a priest in His Kingdom (1 Peter 2:9)? You are His holy servant too! DQ’s: Why is God showing Himself in such a dramatic way to the people of Israel? What does God promise Israel if they fully obey Him? Of all the Ten Commandants, which one is the hardest for you to respect? What does v20:20 mean to you? Is the fear of The Lord a good thing… or a bad thing? Why do you think God restricts the use of tools when making the altar stones?
Can you believe all the details? Don’t let these details overwhelm you.
The Tabernacle and its articles are made to God’s specifications; and there’s a reason. God is testing Israel to see if they will fully obey Him.
He wants to know how devoted they are to doing their best for Him. By the way, the people pass the test! Will you? DQ’s: How close do you want to follow God’s instructions? How well do you know what He wants? What do you think would have happened if the people of God had ‘fudged’ on His instructions? Are you striving for excellence when it comes to God’s things… or are you just trying to ‘get by’?
DailyQuestions – Febuary |
Tim Gill
is in full swing! It’s those with willing hearts who contribute their time, talents, and treasures to this important project. And that’s all God needs to build His kingdom too. He needs a willing heart from you. The kind of heart that will let go of selfishness, and passionately serve God. DQ’s: Can you list some of the items made for the Tabernacle? Who are Bezalel and Oholiab? Based on a scale of 1 (the least) and 10 (the most), how willing is your heart to contribute to building God’s Kingdom? Where can you put your talents to use in God’s Kingdom right now?
DQ’s: Can you describe the priestly clothes? What do they look like? What do you think the priest’s clothing represents? Based on your conduct in the past week, what kind of clothing would best describe you? Work clothes? A clown suit? A Judge’s robe? An apron? An evening gown? A swimsuit? An overcoat? Can you think of another? Today, make sure you wear Jesus!
DQ’s: What day of the week have you found to be your Sabbath? What do you do to relax? Someone once said, “You should divert daily, withdraw weekly, and abandon annually.” Do you agree with that statement? Which do you practice in your life? How has rest benefited your life?
DQ’s: Jesus gave himself and his possessions for you (Philippians 2)!
How does that make you feel? Do you tend to separate your spiritual life from your secular stuff? What do you own that you have difficulty dedicating to God? How do you plan to bring glory to God through your possessions?
It belongs to God. The ministry of Jesus began in the year of Jubilee
(Lk 4). Like Jubilee, Jesus returned man to God. DQ’s: What has Jesus returned to your life? What do you have trouble remembering that originally belongs to God? What can you do to remember that everything you have belongs to God?
“There Will Be Blood” Blood sacrifice goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. How do you think they got their clothing from God? An animal had to die! Think about this: How many animals were sacrificed in a Jew’s lifetime? When you calculate all the sacrifices for the nation, as well as for each individual…the total is staggering! Most of the time, the guilty party slaughtered the animal with his own hand. Why all the bloodshed? The blood reminded the guilty of their inability to be clean in God’s redemption. Are you beginning to see the significance of the blood of The Lamb of God? His sacrifice revealed the ugliness of your sin, and the beauty of God’s mercy… all at the same time! DQ’s: What sin has God forgiven that you are most grateful for? How serious is God about your sin? How do you know God is serious about your sin? How does the Lamb of God change your view of sin?
Are you good at keeping your word? As an Israelite, your word was your bond. When a man or woman made a Nazarite vow for a few days, or for life, they took their vow seriously! The role of a Nazirite was to deepen and enrich the spiritual life of the people. They were respected as much as a prophet. Their dedication to their vow was the key to whether or not they were used by God. DQ’s: Have you ever made a vow to God? If so, what was your vow? Have you ever broken a promise? Have you broken a vow to God? Who needs you to keep your word, now more than ever? Nazirites could find redemption when they broke their vow… so can you! After a Nazarite would break a vow, he would offer 3 sacrifices, and start all over. Because of Jesus, you can start over too. So… What do you need to rededicate to God?
How are you at telling the truth? Can you be honest, even if it results in more trouble? A nation of people cannot survive without integrity. Lying may get you a little ahead of everyone else, but you will not finish strong! God expects His people to be people of integrity!
DQ’s: It’s been said: “Everybody lies”. Do you agree with this statement? List your reasons… What was the last lie you told? What makes telling the truth difficult to do? Do you believe ‘honesty is the best policy’? Why or why not? What do you think living with integrity means?
“Sticky Fingers” These passages cover a wide range of conduct. The Israelites were to respect each other and each other’s things. The Bible is very clear: Stealing is wrong…period! DQ’s: Besides money, how can one steal from their employer? How do people justify theft? Can a man rob God? If so, how? What does God say to do when you have stolen something from someone? What is restitution? Do you think the idea of restitution is outdated? Is there someone you may have stolen something from? If so, what will you do to make things right?
DailyQuestions – March |
Tim Gill
“Pay It Forward” How generous are you? What makes one generous? God reminds Israel to share their harvest. And then He tells them to remember… Remember what? Remember that they were slaves in Egypt. Generosity easily flows out of a heart full of gratitude!
DQ’s: How about you? Are you paying it forward?
“Biting The Hand That Feeds You” The time has finally come for Israel to enter the land that flows with milk and honey. But God warns them that one day His people would forget and forsake Him. It’s hard to imagine the people doing such a thing after God had been so good to them… but they eventually do! Sometimes the heart is tested best by a blessing. Sometimes a little success can create with it a little pride and self-reliance. If not careful, a little success can cause you to forget where it all comes from. DQ’s: Do you tend to think your success comes from your own ability… or from your God? Has success spoiled you? Have you forgotten how good God is being to you?
“New Territory” Each tribe is allocated a portion of the Promised Land. Though given new territory, they will have to trust God, and work to possess it. In a way, God sets before you ‘New Territory”; and how you approach this challenge will determine if you possess, or lose, ground. As a Christian, God gives you opportunities to broaden and extend your borders of knowledge, influence, and maturity. So take them! Don’t be afraid to possess the new territory before you! Grab hold of the challenge to grow, mature, and make a lasting impact wherever you are! DQ’s: When it comes to your influence, would you say you are taking ground, or losing it? When it comes to spiritual knowledge and maturity, would you say your spiritual borders are broadening… or shrinking?
The period of the Judges can teach you a lot about leadership. For example: #1-Everything rises and falls by leadership. Israel would rise and fall based on leadership. #2-Nothing gets done without a leader. When God provided a leader, Israel was delivered. #3-Everyone leads! That’s because leadership is influence. You are leading someone right now! Maybe it’s your kids/grandkids, a co-worker, or a friend. Good or bad, someone is being influenced by you. #4-Your private life determines your public life. What you do when no one is looking determines your leadership (e.g., Samson). What will you learn from the Judges? DQ’s: If leadership is influence, who are you leading? Is your influence good or bad? How can you make your influence good? What would get done in God’s Kingdom if you would use a little initiative?
Israel wants Gideon and his family to lead Israel, but Gideon refuses. He tells them that there is only one who should lead Israel, and that’s The Lord! But as soon as Gideon dies, Israel is back at it… they forget God! This time, Abimelek wants to be ‘King’ of Israel; so he conspires and kills 70 of Gideon’s sons. But one of them manages to escape—it’s Gideon’s youngest, Jotham. As Abimelek begins to rule, Jotham pronounces a curse on Abimelek… and it works! Soon, Abimelek is ruined, and killed with a millstone falling on his ‘big’ head!! Selfish ambition doesn’t pay! DQ’s: Are you craving to be in charge? Have you ever thought to yourself: “If I was in charge, things would be a lot different!” (9:1-2)? How did pride blind Abimelek? What’s the difference in the ways Gideon and Abimelek become leaders? What’s the difference between the ways Gideon and Abimelek lead? Is there any lesson here? Will God bless leadership that maneuvers its way into position?
DQ’s: Hosea 9:9 speaks of the ‘days of Gibeah’. Do you think Hosea could be referring to these events? What lessons could today’s society learn from these chapters? Do you think your culture has had a moral impact on you? If so, how? What moral values do you need to revisit and reevaluate?